Chamber of Commerce “Business After Hours” Event a Huge Success

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller The Chamber of Commerce held its first “Business After Hours” event Thursday evening. Hosted at the Mansion District Inn B&B by innkeepers Jovanna and Ross Porter, the event drew over 30 people, some coming from Bradford and New York. The purpose of the monthly BAH event is to provide an informal venue for where Chamber members can get together and build relationships and…

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Top Ten Signs Spring Has Arrived in Smethport

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller Last year on this day, the temperature ranged from 32 to 39 degrees throughout the day. Today, the temperature hit 78 degrees, according to the digital readout over Hamlin Bank. Even without a temperature gauge, you know Spring has arrived in Smethport when… Your mind insists on boots and sweaters, but your body craves flip-flops and shorts. The Borough Council is seen celebrating…

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Pennsylvania’s State Parks Generate $1 Billion in Local Economic Activity, Support Jobs

Smethport Web Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Richard Allan today released a new analysis showing visitors to Pennsylvania’s State Parks generate more than $1 billion in economic activity in nearby communities and support almost 13,000 related jobs. “Pennsylvanians get a great return on the investment they make in state parks. The report shows for every dollar invested, more than $12 is returned to Pennsylvania’s economy,” Allan said….

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Chuck McKiernan Honored with Engraved Gold Watch

Smethport Web Long time area resident Chuck McKiernan received an engraved gold watch from Smethport Mayor Ross Porter last week during a meeting of the Smethport Lions. McKiernan was honored for his years of service in organizing and assisting in Smethport’s annual Wheel Around the Hub Cycling race. The cycling race was originally started during the early 1890s and died off with the advent of the automobile. The race…

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Business is Booming for Colonial Radio Group

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller Colonial Radio Group has announced that it has signed an exclusive national sales representation contract with Local Focus LLC, the nation’s biggest advertising rep firm specializing in small and medium markets. Smethport’s Jeff Andrulonis, President and CEO of Colonial Radio Group, said he is excited about the exclusive representation agreement with Local Focus. “Our cluster has grown significantly. With this being a Presidential…

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WalkWorks Project Going Strong Despite End of Funding

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller State grant funding for the WalkWork projects ends on February 3, 2012. WalkWorks was funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as a collaborative project between the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’s Center for Rural Health Practice (UPB-CRHP). UPB-CRHP coordinated the program’s activities in McKean County, with Claudia Caminite as the…

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Saturday night was “Fight Night” in Smethport

From news sources in Olean, NY; Smethport, PA; Richmond, VA Friends gathered at the home of Linda and Nathan Muller to watch daughter Robin Reese battle for the World Kickboxing Association’s championship title of Virginia. The Mullers had known Robin would be participating in the Richmond event for some time and had tried to talk her out of it. They were somewhat relieved by the assurances of their son-in-law…

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Ben Hahn forms Elite Running Team in Colorado

Smethport Web – by Nathan Muller Former Smethport High School athlete Ben Hahn, Class of 2007, has started a non-profit organization and professional running team in Mancos, Colorado. Hahn serves as the president of The Mancos Project, which is unique in the world of sports for its practice and promotion of eco-friendly, sustainable living. With three slots left, Hahn is aiming for a team of 10 accomplished runners in…

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Smethport’s Liz Reap Carlson to Compete in China

Smethport Web – by Nathan Muller Liz Reap Carlson, formerly of Smethport, now living in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, is among 12 Americans who will compete in round three of the UCI Track World Cup to be held in Beijing on the Laoshan Velodrome from January 13 to 15. Representing the women’s side of the cycling competition, Liz Carlson (Jim Thorpe, PA/Black Dog Pro Cycling Team) and Tela Crane (Sammamish,…

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Ross Porter Discusses Heritage Community of the Year Award

Smethport Web Recently, Casey Hill of news-talk radio station WVTT in Olean, New York interviewed Smethport Mayor Ross Porter about the “Heritage Community of the Year Award.” The award was presented to the Borough earlier this month by the PA Route 6 Alliance. Porter noted during the interview that “…preserving our heritage helps us understand who we are and how we got there…” Listen to the entire WVTT interview….

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