Wheel Around the Hub Finishes as Huge Success

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller Dry roads, a slight breeze and mid-60s temperatures combined to provide ideal conditions for the 94 cyclists who participated in Smethport’s Wheel Around the Hub races Saturday. Although no records were broken this year, spectators were treated to an exciting finish as a cluster of five cyclists in the 53-mile men’s class broke from the pack in the last half mile of the…

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Smethport’s Garrett Mott Wins Racing Title at Bradford Speedway

The 2012 racing season came to a close at the “New” Bradford Speedway Thursday night as Jeff and Christy Andrulonis of Smethport crowned the first four champions under their inaugural year of track ownership. All championship trophies for race and track were sponsored by Smethport Web Services operated by Linda and Nathan Muller. Jeff Andrulonis is already looking ahead to the 2013 season. “With the unbelievable year we’ve had,…

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Artwork to be Auctioned at Cycling Event

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller After Saturday’s “Wheel Around the Hub” cycling races, there will be a Pig Roast at the Smethport Fire Hall. The post-race event is open to the public at no charge. Dinner tickets are $7.00. Racers eat free! Proceeds for the Pig Roast (and the race itself) benefit the Smethport Volunteer Fire Department. Juried PA Wilds Artist Julie Mader has again donated an original…

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Seneca Highlands Snowmobile Association Considers Trail Expansion

Smethport Web — by Les Jordan Jr. The Seneca Highlands Snowmobile Association met with representatives from county, state and federal agencies at the Smethport Senior Center on Friday afternoon, September 7th, to discuss trail expansion, including two bridges planned for the area. The association was represented by Corky Hull of Smethport who has been active in trail development for the snowmobile group since it was formed. Adam Mattis, Northwest…

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Biplane Flight: Like Riding a Harley in the Sky

ANF Visitors Bureau — by Matt Muller On my return to Smethport from a year-long teaching assignment at a university in China, I was told of a biplane ride that operated out of Bradford Regional Airport. Would I be interested? Picturing a rickety crate that would wobble down the runway before risking a tepid leap into the air, it was easy to dismiss the idea. After all, I could…

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Tractor Parade Down Main Street Opens County Fair

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller The McKean County Fair in Smethport opened today with a parade of tractors down Main Street. Among the dozens of machines participating in the parade — some old, some new — were makes from such familiar names as Allis-Chalmers, John Deere and McCormick. The fair’s Agricultural Weekend features a tractor and farm equipment show, along with an antique tractor pull contest. Admission is…

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Hamlin Lake Dam Repairs Underway

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller If you’ve been over to Hamlin Lake recently, you may have noticed the water level isn’t what it used to be. In fact, the water level has gone down by three feet. The missing water isn’t due to summer drought or clandestine siphoning by parties unknown; the level was taken down to allow for repair work on the…

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Globe Trekker Returns to Smethport for R&R

Smethport Web On a break from teaching English at a university in Chengdu, China, Smethport resident Matt Muller spent the week of July 4th in the scenic highlands of neighboring Tibet, which has only been open to tourism for about 30 years. With China now encouraging more tourism to this area, there are now local outfitters ready to fulfill contracts from travel operators all over the world, especially those…

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Microburst Slams Smethport

Smethport Web — by Nathan Muller With little advanced warning, a mid-afternoon storm barreled into Smethport, Pennsylvania on Thursday, July 26, taking out power, disrupting phone service, uprooting trees, damaging homes and clogging streets with debris. Borough police, fire department, utility and road crews were quick to respond in getting Smethport cleaned up. No storm-related injuries were reported. The storm has been officially declared a “microburst” with wind gusts…

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of McKean County Learn About “Good Growing Gardens”

Smethport Web — by Annie Wolfe Big Brothers Big Sisters of McKean County facilitated a summer group event on July 5th hosted by McKean County Probation’s Good Growing Gardens in Smethport. Educational activities included a presentation and discussion by Adult Probation Officer Mike Barnard about the history of the grounds, originally the site of Smethport’s Poor Farm, created in 1884 to house and rehabilitate indigent persons. Officer Barnard also…

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