Bradford Era – Fran De Lancey
As part of the newly established Wildlife and Fisheries Studies science elective at Smethport Area Junior-Senior High School, ninth graders participated in the PA Trout in the Classroom for two semesters this school year.
The second semester class released approximately 110 rainbow trout fingerlings — two-four inches long — in Marvin Creek in Smethport Friday morning.
Class members are Kellie Kinney, Brooke Mandley, Ryan Mason, Gavin McCabe, Gracee-Shay Meely, Deagen Mandell, Ken Roach, Shaun Roberts, Marissa Robinson, Brian Rounsville, Desirae Rounsville, Evan Ruffner, Emmalee Shelley, Jason Smith, Cole Szuba, Caleb Umstead and Patience VanCuren.
High school biology teacher Christine Lightner developed and directed this elective that carries one-half credit and covers such topics as introduction to Pennsylvania’s mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, their identification, biology, habitat and ecology. Read More